
ACC「喫煙ゼロへ」声明 【米国心臓学会】

ACC「喫煙ゼロへ」声明 【米国心臓学会】




「心疾患は男女共に死亡の主要原因であり、その約半分がたばこに起因するものだとすれば深刻な問題である。“適度な”喫煙などなく、今こそ世界中の喫煙者ゼロを目指し、疾患につながる全ての喫煙および受動喫煙を防止するステップを踏み出すべき」とACC会長John G. Harold氏は述べている。

Anti-Tobacco Culture Saves Lives; Physicians Should Aim for Zero Smoking
Anniversary of first anti-smoking report reminds that more deaths can be

CONTACT: Nicole Napoli, nnapoli@acc.org 202-375-6523

January 10, 2014

WASHINGTON (Jan. 10, 2014) — Fifty years after the Surgeon General’s Report
on Smoking and Health, which directly named cigarette smoking as a cause of
lung cancer and other detrimental health effects, smoking rates among U.S.
adult smokers have been reduced by half, which is something to celebrate.
But, the American College of Cardiology cautions that there is a lot more
work to be done; tobacco use remains the leading preventable cause of
disease, disability and death in the United States, including an estimated
40 percent of all heart disease cases.

“Physicians often discuss ‘moderation’ when helping patients change and
maintain their health habits, but that is not the case with smoking. No
amount of smoking is good and several studies have shown that even a small
amount tobacco is very harmful. As a society we need to eliminate smoking
from our culture,” said John G. Harold, MD, MACC, president of the American
College of Cardiology. “Heart disease is the leading cause of death in both
men and women, and if almost half of those cases are from tobacco, then that
is a serious problem.”

A Journal of the American Medical Association analysis published on Jan. 7,
said that in the past 50 years, an American man's life expectancy at age 40
has increased by an average of nearly eight years and a woman's by nearly
five and a half years. About one-third of those gains are attributed to the
decrease in adults smoking.

Science has also shown that the decision to smoke affects not only the
individual, but the people around them too. At the 2013 ACC Annual
Scientific Session, a new study reported that 26 percent of people exposed
to varying levels of secondhand smoke had signs of coronary artery
calcification (CAC), a build-up of calcium in the artery walls as seen on a
low-dose computed tomography scan and one of the earliest detectable signs
of heart disease, compared to 18.5 percent in the general population. These
effects remained whether the secondhand smoke exposure was in childhood or

A 2011 Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) study found that
breathing in low levels of secondhand smoke damaged the lining of a person’s
blood vessels after just 30 minutes of exposure. Damage to the blood vessel
lining has been linked to atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke. In
addition a May 2012 JACC study found that even the smell of smoke lingering
in a room can be harmful to non-smokers and cause blood vessel damage in as
short as 30 minutes.

“The surgeon general’s report in 1964 was groundbreaking and led to an
important cultural shift against smoking. Those important findings have been
followed up by countless studies on the effects of smoking, which we now
know are even worse than we thought,” Dr. Harold said. “It’s time to move
ahead and take steps to prevent all smoking and secondhand smoking related
diseases with a goal of reducing the number of smokers worldwide to zero.”

Through its CardioSmart patient initiative, the College developed a smoking
cessation texting program. Individuals can sign up by visiting
www.cardiosmart.org/Tools/CardioSmartTXT-Quit and receive text messages to
assist and encourage them as they give up smoking.

The mission of the American College of Cardiology is to transform
cardiovascular care and improve heart health. The College is a 43,000-member
medical society comprised of physicians, surgeons, nurses, physician
assistants, pharmacists and practice managers. The College is a leader in
the formulation of health policy, standards and guidelines. The ACC provides
professional education, operates national registries to measure and improve
quality of care, disseminates cardiovascular research, and bestows
credentials upon cardiovascular specialists who meet stringent
qualifications. For more information, visit www.cardiosource.org/ACC.

2014年1月20日 提供:米国学会短信